Holistic Grief and Loss Counselling

Grief is a very individual and painful experience

Grief is an inescapable part of life. It is our overwhelming and deep emotional response to loss. A big misconception is that grief is something we need to get over, when in reality grief is something, we need to move through. There’s no magical timeline for grief, it’s not a linear process and no two people will process grief in the same way.

Unaddressed grief can have a significant impact on us physically, emotionally and spiritually- months, even years down the track.

Grief is not an illness to cure but rather a journey of the heart and soul.

You don’t have to navigate it alone.

Confronting grief is painful and challenging and there are many reasons grief may find its way to your door.

Loss of a loved one

Loss of job or retirement


Loss of a pet

Change in health

Loss of a particular way of life

Relationship breakdown


Loss of Self

Sometimes we need help to process our grief

I use different tools and modalities to support people move through their denial, anger, bargaining and depression until they finally arrive at acceptance.

Many people underestimate the time it takes to work through grief, but it needs to be fully experienced to allow healing on the other side. Healing from your loss doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, it just means it no longer controls your life.

You don’t need to suffer alone. My role is to provide emotional support, by holding space for you to unpack your pain. I’ll help examine your thoughts and feelings and provide insight into how to move through grief in healthy ways. Navigating the grief process, in a compassionate way that honours you, your grief and the process.

Grief Circles

I’ve introduced a range of Grief Circles. A space of nurturing and care, where you can share as much or as little as you’re comfortable with. A space to honour your loss and what you are experiencing. Upcoming Grief Circles will be advertised via social media.

“Grief is love’s shadow. The presence of absence. An unbearable weight of emptiness”>

John Mark Green

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Grief counselling necessary?

Grief is something we will all face at some time, for a variety of reasons. It’s unique to each of us and we all experience grief differently. Grief like trauma sits in our body and if we don’t move through it and process it in healthy ways, it can result in unresolved grief, which can cause us many health issues.


Most of us if we are truthful have things we can work on and changes we could make. Our belief system is formed by the age of around 7 and some of those beliefs we hold no longer serve us. Interestingly, they sit in our unconscious mind so rarely do we know what is triggering certain feelings and behaviours in us and they can effect all parts of our lives. We call them limiting beliefs as they are beliefs that are no longer healthy for us and limit our thinking and lives. For example a belief carried often is “I’m not enough” and this can really cause issues. Getting underneath these beliefs are critical to move forward and grow.

It’s a safe space to talk about your feelings and pain, as we work together to find the best modalities and tools for your individual needs. Our inner world is so often neglected because we focus so heavily on our outer world, when in reality if our inner world does not get the attention it needs, it can and does cause havoc on our whole world.

How many sessions do I need?

It really depends on the issue, what modality we choose to work with and how deep you choose to go. We will discuss the options available and how they work. Sometimes when therapy commences other issues arise, which is great as we can address them. My goal is to support my clients in the most efficient yet thorough way as possible.